The Top 3 Retail Cyber Validation Challenges of 2024

In an era where cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) in UK retail organisations are facing a myriad of challenges to ensure the robustness of their cybersecurity measures.

Automated security validation, which involves assessing and confirming the effectiveness of security controls and measures, has become a critical aspect of a retailer’s defence against cyber threats.

Drawing on years of experience working with UK retailers – as well as recent interactions with a number of top CISOs – Josh Neame, CTO of BlueFort Security explores the top three cybersecurity challenges facing this sector.

In this whitepaper, explore how to:

  • Stay secure in this evolving cyber threat landscape and growing attack surface
  • Integrate new technologies and cloud services without losing visibility
  • Build up your human firewall

To learn more about what your peers in the UK retail sector are doing to rationalise their cybersecurity controls and to book an initial discovery workshop – click here.

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