
Optimised SIEM

SecOps Reimagined – Unleash the Power of Your Data
optimised siem


In the era of data-driven enterprises, the ability to harness, transform, and leverage data effectively, is paramount to success. As organisations navigate the vast landscape of information flowing through their systems, the need for a robust and intelligent solution to manage and optimise this data becomes increasingly evident. 

Security information and event management (SIEM) tools have been a mainstay of the security operations centre (SOC) for more than two decades. However, SecOps teams are now acutely aware of the limitations inherent in the original SIEM promise that ‘logging everything’ will help you detect and prevent threats as they occur. As data volumes and sources have increased exponentially, the reality is that time-poor SecOps teams are left inundated with alerts and drowning in information. 

While vendors have adapted and innovated their SIEM tools over time, many of the traditional data challenges remain; centred around visibility, validation and control. BlueFort Optimised SIEM is a new approach. We work with SecOps teams to optimise existing SIEM investments and overcome pervasive challenges by transforming how data is used; a journey that delivers the true power of data control and visibility.

optimised siem solution
What is Optimised SIEM?

Optimised SIEM is far more than a technological offering. It represents a partnership aimed at reshaping the way teams manage and derive value from the organisation’s data; based on the unique challenges the organisation faces in the dynamic data landscape.

Optimised SIEM draws on the complete evolution of SIEM solutions, applying BlueFort’s methodology of continuous discovery, validation and control, which is closely aligned and augments both the NIST framework and Gartner’s Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) principles. This is driven by the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity threats and the need for organisations to effectively detect, respond to and mitigate these threats. 

Over the years, SIEM solutions have evolved from basic log management tools, to sophisticated platforms incorporating advanced features. All aspects of this evolution must be taken into account when analysing and optimising any SIEM investment – identifying gaps in capabilities and layering complementary technologies to optimise and improve operational outcomes. The key stages in the evolution of optimised SIEM include:

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Log Management (Early 2000s)
  • Early SIEM solutions focused primarily on log management, aggregating, and storing log data from various sources within an organisation's IT infrastructure.
  • Basic correlation rules were applied to identify potential security incidents, but the emphasis was on collecting and storing data rather than proactive threat detection.
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SIEM 1.0 (Mid-2000s to Early 2010s)
  • SIEM solutions began incorporating basic correlation and analysis capabilities to help security teams identify patterns indicative of security incidents.
  • Real-time monitoring and alerting became more common, allowing organisations to respond more quickly to potential threats.
  • Integration with threat intelligence feeds started to enhance the ability to detect known threats.
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Enhanced Analytics and Visualisation (Mid-2010s)
  • SIEM solutions evolved to include more advanced analytics and visualisation features.
  • Behavioural analysis and anomaly detection capabilities were introduced to identify deviations from normal patterns of user and system behaviour.
  • Improved reporting and dashboards provided more insight into security events and better decision-making capabilities.
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Integration with Other Security Technologies (Late 2010s)
  • SIEM solutions began integrating with other security technologies such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and advanced threat intelligence platforms.
  • This integration enabled a more comprehensive and contextual understanding of security events.
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Cloud and Hybrid Deployments (Late 2010s to Early 2020s)
  • With the increasing adoption of cloud services, SIEM solutions evolved to support cloud and hybrid deployments.
  • Cloud-native SIEM solutions emerged, providing scalability and flexibility to adapt to dynamic and distributed IT environments.
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Extended Detection and Response (XDR) Integration (Early 2020s)
  • The concept of Extended Detection and Response (XDR) gained prominence, and SIEM solutions started incorporating XDR capabilities.
  • XDR integration brought together data from multiple security layers (endpoint, network, email, etc.) to provide a more cohesive and contextualised view of threats.
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Observability Integration (Mid-2020s)
  • SIEM solutions began integrating with observability tools to address both security and concerns around performance and reliability.
  • Observability capabilities expanded the scope of SIEM beyond security, providing insights into system performance, application behaviour and user interactions.
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Automation and Orchestration (Current Trends)
  • Recent trends involve the integration of automation and orchestration capabilities into SIEM solutions.
  • Automation streamlines routine tasks, while orchestration facilitates coordinated responses to security incidents, reducing response times.
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AI and Machine Learning (Current and Future Trends)
  • The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is becoming more prevalent in SIEM solutions to enhance threat detection and reduce false positives.

See how Optimised SIEM can help your organisation

Why is Optimised SIEM important?

The evolution of optimised SIEM solutions reflects continuous efforts to address emerging cybersecurity challenges and provide organisations with robust tools to protect their digital assets. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, SIEM solutions are likely to further integrate advanced technologies and methodologies to stay ahead of sophisticated adversaries.

Optimised SIEM emphasises the up-front investment in enhancing data before it is ingested, with the aim of refining the output, adding automation tools, and delivering more tailored insight for decision-making. By increasing observability, reducing noise, and adding automation to make search tasks more efficient, SecOps teams can draw far more value from their existing SIEM investments while positioning themselves to take advantage of future SIEM integrations and innovations, particularly those based on AI and machine learning.

How does Optimised SIEM work?

Optimised SIEM enhances your organisation’s cybersecurity defences by enhancing data ingestion and optimising your SIEM solution with cutting-edge technologies, particularly Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and observability. This comprehensive approach ensures a proactive and adaptive security strategy, enabling you to identify, respond to, and mitigate security threats effectively.

Optimised SIEM provides a unified and proactive defence against evolving cyber threats, helping you embrace the future of cyber security with a solution that combines the power of SIEM, XDR, and observability for unparalleled threat detection and response capabilities. This approach covers seven key areas:

  • Leveraging the full potential of your SIEM solution by fine-tuning its configurations and rules to align with your organisation’s specific security needs.
  • Ensuring efficient log management, correlation, and analysis for enhanced threat detection and incident response.

  • Seamlessly integrating XDR capabilities into your SIEM infrastructure for a more holistic threat detection approach.
  • Correlating endpoint, network and cloud security data provides a unified view of potential threats across your entire environment.

  • Combining SIEM and XDR with up-to-date threat intelligence feeds to enhance the detection of known and emerging threats.
  • Implementing automated threat intelligence sharing to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

  • Expanding your SIEM’s capabilities by integrating observability tools, enables comprehensive monitoring and analysis of system performance, application behaviour, and user interactions.
  • Delivering insight into the complete IT ecosystem to identify anomalies, performance issues, and potential security incidents.

  • Implementing advanced threat hunting capabilities is facilitated by the integration of SIEM, XDR and observability.
  • Reducing the impact of security incidents by identifying and responding to potential threats before they escalate.

  • Adopting automation and orchestration workflows to streamline incident response processes.
  • Integrating SIEM, XDR, and observability tools to automate repetitive tasks and respond rapidly to security incidents.

  • Ensure your optimised SIEM solution, enhanced with XDR and observability, can scale to meet the growing demands of your organisation.
  • Choosing flexible deployment options that align with your infrastructure, whether on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid.

  • Establishing continuous monitoring capabilities to maintain visibility into your environment and identify deviations from established security policies.
  • Enhancing compliance reporting by integrating SIEM, XDR, and observability data to meet regulatory requirements.

  • Leveraging the full potential of your SIEM solution by fine-tuning its configurations and rules to align with your organisation’s specific security needs.
  • Ensuring efficient log management, correlation, and analysis for enhanced threat detection and incident response.

  • Seamlessly integrating XDR capabilities into your SIEM infrastructure for a more holistic threat detection approach.
  • Correlating endpoint, network and cloud security data provides a unified view of potential threats across your entire environment.

  • Combining SIEM and XDR with up-to-date threat intelligence feeds to enhance the detection of known and emerging threats.
  • Implementing automated threat intelligence sharing to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

  • Expanding your SIEM’s capabilities by integrating observability tools, enables comprehensive monitoring and analysis of system performance, application behaviour, and user interactions.
  • Delivering insight into the complete IT ecosystem to identify anomalies, performance issues, and potential security incidents.

  • Implementing advanced threat hunting capabilities is facilitated by the integration of SIEM, XDR and observability.
  • Reducing the impact of security incidents by identifying and responding to potential threats before they escalate.

  • Adopting automation and orchestration workflows to streamline incident response processes.
  • Integrating SIEM, XDR, and observability tools to automate repetitive tasks and respond rapidly to security incidents.

  • Ensure your optimised SIEM solution, enhanced with XDR and observability, can scale to meet the growing demands of your organisation.
  • Choosing flexible deployment options that align with your infrastructure, whether on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid.

  • Establishing continuous monitoring capabilities to maintain visibility into your environment and identify deviations from established security policies.
  • Enhancing compliance reporting by integrating SIEM, XDR, and observability data to meet regulatory requirements.

What you need to know

  • What is the difference between SIEM and managed SIEM?

    Managed SIEM involves outsourcing the monitoring and management of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools. It provides expert oversight, allowing businesses to focus on core operations.
  • Why do SIEM implementations fail?

    SIEM implementations often fail due to inadequate customisation, lack of skilled personnel, and insufficient ongoing maintenance, hindering effective threat detection and response capabilities.
  • Which three problems does SIEM solve?

    SIEM addresses cybersecurity challenges by centralising log data, detecting abnormal patterns, and providing real-time threat alerts. It enhances incident response, compliance management and overall security posture.

Have more questions?

Speak to our Optimised SIEM experts.

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BlueFort’s Evolve allows you access to flexible and on-demand cyber skills and expertise to help you deploy any new solution and fill in any cyber skills shortage you may have.

Why work with BlueFort?

BlueFort is the UK’s leading independent Security Solutions Partner (SSP). Our unique combination of people and technology is focused on simplifying your cybersecurity journey. With a curated suite of tools, products and skills, BlueFort partners with CIO’s, CISOs, and SecOps teams to simplify, consolidate, and optimise their cybersecurity environment. 

BlueFort’s carefully tested suite of tools and technology simplifies the chaos of the cyber landscape, while its in-house experts provide a rapid and immediate solution to the cybersecurity skills shortage, reducing pressure on internal security teams and delivering ongoing, on-demand cyber resource flexibility.  

BlueFort provides expert insight to help your team optimise your existing SIEM investment and enable your team to gain invaluable real-time understanding about the threats facing your organisation. With experience optimising SIEM environments for thousands of customers, BlueFort works side-by-side with your team to add context to the most critical vulnerabilities facing your IT environment and provide guidance and support on remediation and mitigation. 

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“Without Evolve, we would have to get in additional resources for bespoke deployments, and we would certainly have to spend a lot of time in the research phase to make sure we are buying the right technology. We use BlueFort’s expertise to guide us down the right path – I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them.”

Gary Lewis, Head of IT, Atrium Underwriters

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