It’s not good enough to be just cyber aware. Today, every Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) needs to be prepared for all sorts of attacks that their organisation can encounter, whilst simultaneously being equipped to deal with the problems that come from them.

Staying ahead of the game and being prepared is essential. That’s why your CISO needs to be ready for changes and challenges regarding cybersecurity in 2022. There are many on the horizon, and being prepared today means being able to deal with issues before they ever come up. 

In this article you will learn what the cybersecurity stats were in 2021, predictions for 2020, and further information on what the threats posed to organisations can look like. 

Cybersecurity Stats – 2021

Cybersecurity has changed the way that organisations understand and look at threats, aside from the day-to-day elements which are out of their control such as the economy or political decisions. 2021 was a year of rapid change largely due to the pandemic. As businesses started to re-open and ramp up to pre-pandemic volumes, the number of cyber attacks equally increased.

Here are some brief cybersecurity stats from 2021, in brief:

Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

There’s an old saying that goes something like, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” Here are our predictions when it comes to your cybersecurity requirements for 2022. 

Greater Risk from Smart Devices

Internet of Things (IoT) and increased deployment of smart devices will inevitably result in more cyber threats in 2022. From being able to control banal systems like lighting and heating – to hardware and software in an office environment. This all couples to make a greater threat to organisations.

Cyber Crime Becomes More Sophisticated and Dangerous

Remote Working Brings New Security Challenges

Cybersecurity Talent and Skills Shortage Will Get Worse

Machine Learning and AI Tools Increasingly Used for Automated Cybersecurity

API Security is a Growing Concern

Regulations and Penalties Likely to Increase

Cryptocurrency Security Risks will Increase

Cloud Workload Security is a Priority

Millennials Will Takeover the C-Suite

In Conclusion 

Cybersecurity has changed the way that organisations understand and look at threats, aside from the day-to-day elements which are out of their control, such as the economy or political decisions. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail, which is why understanding what is a cyberthreat and how it can be best managed is important. 

If you’re looking to protect your organisation or evaluate your cybersecurity requirements or challenges, Call BlueFort on 01252 917000 , email or get in touch with us via our contact form