Managing your Attack Surface – How to Build an Effective Threat Exposure Management Programme

The foundations of attack surface management is gaining visibility over assets, and the ability to prioritise issues by the cyber risk they pose to your organisation.

Modern business trends have caused an explosion of digital assets across multiple cloud services, SaaS applications and remote devices; each with their own vulnerabilities and access privileges to critical data.

Security teams are lacking key visibility. In order to manage their attack surface, they need to know what they own and where, what the impact of a breach might be, and what existing controls they have to mitigate risks.

In this webinar, we explored:

  • Best practices on leveraging existing security and IT data sources to map cyber relationships and risk across the organisation.
  • How to identify security coverage gaps and ‘toxic combinations’ relevant to your business.
  • Industry best practice on how to implement a CTEM programme in your organisation.

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