

Cribl, a pioneer in the field of observability solutions, is revolutionising the way organisations manage and harness their data. Cribl empowers its customers with unparalleled visibility and control over their data infrastructure.


Why use Cribl?

Cribl stands out in the market due to its focus on giving customers the ability to choose and control their data infrastructure. The solutions offered by Cribl are designed to empower organisations to overcome the challenges of managing and extracting value from their data. Cribl is not just a technology company; it’s a catalyst for change in the way organisations approach data observability.

By leveraging Cribl’s solutions, your organisation can not only stay ahead in the data game but also take control of your data destiny.

Observability Pipeline: Cribl Stream

At the heart of Cribl’s offerings is Cribl Stream, a vendor-agnostic observability pipeline. This powerful tool offers organisations the flexibility to collect, reduce, enrich, normalise, and route data from any source, ensuring a seamless and efficient data flow.

Open Observability and Defying Data Gravity

Cribl enables open observability and defies data gravity, offering customers radical levels of choice and control over their data. This approach ensures that organisations can harness the full potential of their data without being constrained by traditional limitations